
Challenger space shuttle pbs
Challenger space shuttle pbs

challenger space shuttle pbs

A good well acted drama but a little bit too neatly packaged to make it digestible for the viewing audience. NASA Day Of Remembrance Every January, NASA pays its respects to the crew of the Challenger as well as other crews that were lost in space during various space programs. The reveal at a press conference was exactly how it happened in real life.

challenger space shuttle pbs challenger space shuttle pbs

It all came down to 'O' rings and how they reacted in sub zero temperatures. Normalization of deviance, the process of becoming inured to risky actions, is a useful concept for today. In real life she was more outspoken about the deficiencies of NASA when it came to safety. Lessons From the Space Shuttle Challenger Tragedy. Eve Best who plays Sally Ride was rather sidelined. Hurt portrays Feynman as dogged but he was also very ill at the time of the investigations. Feynman is the vehicle who was famous for making science accessible. The film had to summarise these investigations and sell it to the viewer in an easy to understand way. There are various factions, some with their own self interests who wanted to hinder the investigation or put it down to human error. The drama is based on the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster of 1986 and the Presidential commission set up to investigate the accident. Join journalists Celeste Headlee and Masud Olufani as they connect the present to the past through four distinct and varied stories, and New Yorker humorist Andy Borowitz adds his signature wit. This 18-minute video introduces students to the complex and often misunderstood causes of the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger, one of the most. This is a drama-documentary that has been co produced by the BBC and they managed to attract a starry cast with Oscar winner William Hurt playing distinguished scientist Feynman and Bruce Greenwood continuing his mini run of playing nice guys as General Kutyna. The Challenger shuttle crew, of seven astronauts-including the specialties of pilot, aerospace engineers, and scientists- died tragically in the explosion of their spacecraft during the launch of STS-51-L from the Kennedy Space Center about 11:40 a.m., EST, on January 28, 1986. Retro Report on PBS Retro Report makes sense of the present by revealing the past.

Challenger space shuttle pbs