
Zeus and hades hercules
Zeus and hades hercules

zeus and hades hercules

But.aren't you.a damsel in distress? Meg: I'm a damsel. Hercules: Pardon me, my good, uh.sir, but I demand you release that young. Pain: You mean, if he finds out! Panic: Of course he's gonna- If.If is good. Panic: Hades is gonna kill us when he finds out what happened. Hades: WHAAAAAAAT?!?! Okay, fine, fine, I'm cool, I'm fine. Hades: Excuse me? Atropos: Should Hercules fight, you will fail. Clotho: Then the once-proud Zeus will finally fall / And you, Hades, will rule all! Hades: Yes! Hades rules! Atropos: A word of caution to this tale. Lachesis: The time to act will be at hand / Unleash the Titans, your monstrous band. Lachesis: In 18 years precisely / The planets will align ever so nicely. Clotho: We know everything! Lachesis: Past. Hah! I'm so sorry that I'm- Fates: Late! Lachesis: We knew you would be.

#Zeus and hades hercules full

Y'know, little dark, little gloomy, and there's always-Hey! Full of dead people, whaddya gonna do? Thalia: And they slapped his face on ev'ry vase Clio: On ev'ry "vah-se!" Dialogue Zeus: Hades! You finally made it! How's things in the underworld? Hades: Ah, well, it's just fine. Was hatched before Herc cut his first tooth Melpomene: Young Herc was mortal nowīut since he did not drink the last drop, Thalia: He ran the underworld,īut thought the dead were dull and uncouth Narrator: You go, girl.Ĭalliope: If there is one god who don't want to get steamed up, it's Hades. But what is the measure of a true hero? Now that is where our story - Thalia: Would you listen to him? He's making the story sound like some Greek tragedy! Terpsichore: Lighten up, dude! Calliope: We'll take it from here, darling. And the greatest and strongest of all these heroes was the mighty Hercules. The Narrator and the Muses Narrator: Long ago, in the far away land of ancient Greece, there was a golden age of powerful gods and extraordinary heroes. I came back because I'm not quitting on ya. No No No No No kid, giving up is for rookies.YA DID IT, KID! YA DID IT, YOU WON BY A LANDSLIDE!.WILL YOU FORGET THE HEAD-SLICING THING?!?!.If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere. A guy can only take so much disappointment. And everyone would say, "That's Phil's boy." That's right. So great the gods would hang a picture of him in the stars for everyone to see. I dreamed I would train the greatest hero there ever was. He could jab! He could take a hit! He could keep on comin'! BUT THAT FURSLUGGINER HEEL OF HIS! He barely gets nicked there once and kaboom! He's history. Now there was a guy who had it all the build, the foot-speed. And every single one of those bums let me down flatter than a discus. We dance, we kiss, we schmooze, we carry on, we go home happy.Aren't we forgetting one teensy-weensy, but-ever-so-crucial, little, tiny detail? I OWN YOU! Meg, Meg Meg! My sweet, deluded little minion.For the Trojans, hey! They bet on the wrong horse. I mean, for what? Pandora, it was the box thing. He's gotta have a weakness, because everybody's got a weakness.I’ve got 24 hours to get rid of this bozo, or the entire scheme I’ve been setting up for 18 years goes up in smoke, and you are wearing HIS MERCHANDISE?!.I’m about to rearrange the cosmos… and the one schlemiel who can louse it up… is waltzing around IN THE WOODS.Memo to me, memo to me: maim you after my meeting.But unlike you gods lounging about up here, I, regrettably, have a full-time gig that you, by the way, so charitably bestowed on me, Zeus. You know, I haven't been this choked up since I got a hunk of moussaka caught in my throat! Huh?! So, is this an audience or a mosaic?

zeus and hades hercules

  • You're really choked up about this, aren't you?.
  • What are you doing?! Without your strength you'll be killed!.
  • Help! Please! There's been a terrible accident. They think 'No' means 'Yes' and 'Get lost' means 'Take me, I'm yours.' Great! Uh, exactly how do you become a true hero? I'm the most famous person in all of Greece.
  • But, Father, I've defeated every single monster I've come up against.
  • And then that, that play, that, that, that Oedipus thing?! Man! I thought I had problems!

    Zeus and hades hercules